March 22, 2010

Reaserch notes- "what is a woman?" Google search

So I searched this general question and I'm surprised at what I have found. this question itself was formulated after reviewing my work from when I began at OCAD till now, it is the question I subconsciously have been dealing with.

- How to master a woman's G-spot
Informative but not what I was searching for.

-Every woman is a cheating whore
Very sexist. "Getting attention from men is a woman’s lifeblood. That’s why women worship men in the form of menial tasks that they’re not very good at — because men control our attention like the gods of old controlled the sun and the crypt. We giveth and we can taketh away." The writer is either doing this deliberately or as a "joke". The site url makes it only worse. It is accompanied by articles such as why women hate sex and pets are not children. By the way the reasoning for why women hate sex is this "Women hate sex simply because they are lousy at it."... apparently. Oddly enough it reminds me of the oblivious men who are part of the mens club in Bleach (anime) and wonder why they are single (it's also hinted that they don't get laid either lol.).
I am highly amused by this site to the point where I want to write to Xtra-Toronto about this strange poor man.

-Why is a woman's Breast called a 'tit'?
Interesting wiki answer for this question. I still remember the fist time hearing it in High School, such an odd word. Women even use it.

- What is a woman to do? Age, Sex and Menopause
Definitely not what I was looking for but helpful in what another 20 years? Strangely there's an add for a memory game on it, was that deliberate?

-Sex, gender, and the body: the student edition of What is a woman?
Where has this book been all my life? It is so strange that there is no feminism lecture in High School for all the girls hitting puberty. I wish I had gotten this book instead I got the damned "what's happening to my body?" which explained where babies came from, what genitalia I have, what happens during sex (briefly, it's for 10-14 year old of course can't get them run off to experiment), what pads do, what tampons do, where hair grows now, and Why your different from men. Ah how I despised that book with it's odd drawings. (continued with other point)
-What is a woman?: and other essays
By Toril Moi
So I found the book twice. Anyhow. It has everything- Donna Haraway, Judith Butler&
Simone de Beauvoir. To name a few. If I had encountered this book earlier perhaps my questions
could have been answered more completely at an earlier age. Compleately being too broad a term
as it calls for an end, when I have only begun to fall down this "rabbit hole" of knowledge.

-What is a woman? article on such? I'm quite surprised. even more so at the definition that get's presented
from a blog
"WOMAN- The term `woman' means a female human being who is capable of becoming pregnant,
whether or not she has reached the age of majority."
This deffinition does not bring forth the differentiation between body and mind. Anyhow it continues
and the US Senate does not see someone who is female bodied-barren-woman as a woman. Has
this question been changed at all? There is no date on the post so I can not tell how old it is, but
there is a comment from 2008. Strange strange.

I'm going to stop my search there for the night and return to my books. Thesis paper is due on the
1st and I have yet to put together the information to create this piece. Back to my coffee for another
late night. <3 All my best <3

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